New paper contributions by TPR |
Pharma Logistics Master Class: last call!The first Pharma Logistics Master Class, hosted in hybrid format 7-11 September by TPR, together with and Metrans, still has possibility for online participation. Registrations for physical participation are closed, since the maximum of 50 attendants was reached. Register now! | |  | Infodag master maritiem en logistiek managementInteresse om verder te sturen in het transport- en logistiekdomein en een master te behalen? Kom op woensdag 8 september tussen 14u en 18u langs op onze infodag, of volg om 18u de infosessie. Registreer hier voor de infodag | |  | Volg onze mini-opleiding transport en logistiekBen je werkzaam in de transport- en logistieke sector en wil je je graag bijscholen? Dan is de microcredential "Logistiek en transportmanagement" misschien iets voor jou! Dit pakket van 4 cursussen (12 studiepunten) is speciaal samengesteld voor geïnteresseerden in de ruime transport- en logistieke
Zie de opleidingspagina | |  | PhD defense Masoud GargariOn 17 September 2021 at 4pm, Masoud Gargari will defend his PhD thesis on the topic of 'Optimizing the Time Factors in Ports and
Consequences for Externalities', under supervision by Thierry Vanelslander and Kenneth Sörensen. The session will be held online, and is open to all, upon registration. View information and register | |  | New book on Inland ShippingOn Tuesday 28 September 2021 at 5 pm, the book 'Inland shipping: theory and practice' by Christa Sys and Frank Hellebosch will be presented in Antwerp. After the welcome by the publisher and explanation by the authors, there will be further discussion during a panel session with actors from the sector about the necessary knowledge to future-proof this sector. More information: View the book's page | |  | Join NOVIMAR's final event in AntwerpJoin the final conference of NOVIMAR on the 7th of October in Antwerp! After 4 years of extensive research and hard work, the end conference at the Antwerp Port House will be the place to be for those who would like to get up to speed with the end results of research on the semi-autonomous Vessel Train concept. Pre-register here | |  | Join the TomorrowPorts ConferenceSPEED is inviting you to a conference for smart port innovators on 25 November! Are you a port user eager to discover which smart port applications can optimize
operations in ports, and how to apply them? Are you a tech innovator aiming to convince port users of the potential of your technology? Then TomorrowPorts is the place to be for you. Discover new technology, business model and ecosystem horizons toward smarter ports at the online TomorrowPorts conference. View the announcement and register | |  | BNP Paribas Fortis Chair prolonged once more!The BNP Paribas Fortis chair on Transport, Logistics and Ports just got prolonged for the fifth time. It was decided to continue the current chair with another two years, covering two academic years for now, till October 2023. The content part was validated by the industry representing the maritime ecosystem during three online BNP Paribas Fortis Chair brainstorm sessions in the course of 2021. View the Chair page | |  | DP World new gold sponsor DLF ChairThe Dennie Lockefeer Chair welcomes DP World Antwerp as a new gold sponsor. The container terminal operator is the 5th gold sponsor of this Chair, joining De Vlaamse Waterweg nv, Montea, PSA and the Antwerp Shipping Association. The commitment of DP World ensures that the unique ecosystem of the Dennie
Lockefeer Chair grows and now consists of 33 sponsors and the friends of the Chair. View the Chair page | |  |
Dieter Havermans wins DLF thesis prizeThe Dennie Lockefeer Chair focuses on three pillars: research, education,
and service. Under the pillar of education, the Dennie Lockefeer Chair awards a thesis prize each year. The 2021 thesis prize went to Dieter Havermans, who developed an economic case for battery-electric inland navigation. Next year a new prize package – gold-silver-bronze – will be used for the thesis award. View pictures and submit your 2022 application | |  | SPEED developed a FREE Smart Port Benchmark toolTo close the digital gap in ports, SPEED has recently launched the Smart Port Benchmark tool to assist ports and port actors in: diagnose where they are at with regards to digital maturity against peers, receive tailor-made advice in implementing new strategies on topics like leadership, business models or ecosystem engagement, and obtain new strategic directions to invest in concrete smart port ambitions that fit their needs. Fill the survey and request your Smart Port Benchmark Report | |  | C-MAT team ready for the new academic yearOn 23 August, C-MAT's Faculty gathered for the last preparations of the new academic year, that is about to take
off. View the staff picture | |  | New junior TPR researcher: Emma CeulemansEmma Ceulemans started working at TPR as a junior researcher on the topic of 'Next generation traffic management for empowering CAVs
integration, cross-stakeholders collaboration and proactive multi-modal network optimization', as part of the European H2020 project FRONTIER. View Emma's UA web page | |  | New junior TPR researcher: Dimitrios GeorgoudakisDimitrios Georgoudakis started working at TPR as a junior researcher on the topic of 'Investment decisions for new types of ships based on shipping cycle'. View Dimitrios' UA web page | |  | shortlisted MPM Best Manuscript awardThe manuscript "Innovation in the maritime sector: aligning strategy with outcomes" by Christa Sys and Michele Acciaro, was shortlisted by Maritime Policy and Management's editors for consideration in MPM's Best Manuscript award. As a result of this shortlisting, the manuscript is now made free to download. Download the paper here | |  | Kinderuniversiteit - de weg van jouw speelgoedIn de online Kinderuniversiteit-reeks van University of Antwerp legt professor Thierry Vanelslander uit welke weg het speelgoed van jouw kinderen aflegt. View the video | |  | TPR presented @ various eventsTPR lately presented on: - Unprecedented job opportunity and new challenges for a more resilient maritime ecosystem - Sea Transport Development for Innovative and Sustainable Transportation and Logistics View presentations | |  | Upcoming external events where you can meet TPR | | |