New paper contributions by TPR |
Join the TomorrowPorts ConferenceDiscover new technology, business model and ecosystem horizons toward smarter ports at the TomorrowPorts conference 23-24 September. SPEED is inviting you to a conference for smart port innovators. Are you a port user eager to discover which smart port applications can make your life easier, and how to apply them? Are you a tech innovator aiming to convince port users of the
potential of your technology? Then TomorrowPorts is thhe place to be for you: View the announcement | |  |
BNP Paribas Fortis Chair prolonged once more!The BNP Paribas Fortis chair on Transport, Logistics and Ports just
got prolonged for the fifth time. It was decided to continue the current chair with another two years, covering two academic years for now, till October 2023. The content part was validated by the industry representing the maritime ecosystem during three online BNP Paribas Fortis Chair brainstorm sessions in the course of 2021. View the Chair page | |  | Job offer on air transport @ TPRWe offer a doctoral scholarship on research on the (economic) performance of sustainable aviation technology implementation at airports. Be part of the European TULIPS project (Demonstrating lower polluting solutions for sustainable airports across Europe), funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission. View job offer | |  | Join C-MAT's Master of Maritime and Air Transport C-MAT's Master of Maritime and Air Transport Management edition 2021-2022 is still open for registration. The coming academic year looks like being a more normal one again, with on-site physical lecturing at the Antwerp Management School campus, and with the usual port and airport visits and trips. View the program page | |  | TPR students win BITO thesis prize 2021TPR students Laurens Cools and Nils Eyselbergs won the BITO thesis prize 2021 with their master thesis on 'the economic impact of work
interruptions on the Belgian air transport sector'. View announcement | |  | Wouter Dewulf wins ACB AwardWouter Dewulf won one of the annual awards of Air Cargo Belgium. Wouter is very actively involved in
the BRUcure Taskforce and provides a lot of input during meetings or as a moderator of ACB's webinars.
View announcement | |  | Christa Sys co-supervisor of PhD Daniela TocchiChrista Sys was co-supervisor
of the PhD of Daniela Tocchi (University of Naples Federico II), on the topic of 'Theoretical improvements in modelling worldwide container networks. Daniele succesfully defended last Une. View Daniela's LinkedIn page | |  | Christa Sys @ Planeet FrankMensen maken zich zorgen over het internationale transport. Moeten we Belgische garnalen echt per schip naar Marokko sturen om daar gepeld te worden? Is de scheepvaart geen grote vervuiler? Professor Christa Sys weet het antwoord. Beluister de podcast | |  | Honorary Visiting ProfessorThe Senate of City, University of London has approved the re-appointment of Professor Eddy Van de Voorde to the role of Honorary Visiting Professor in City’s Business School (formerly Cass) for three years, backdated with effect from 1st June 2021. View the School's website | |  | TPR teaching @ Shanghai Maritime UniversityDuring May and June, Christa Sys, Edwin van Hassel and Thierry Vanelslander were teaching Innovation in Shipping Management @ Shanghai Maritime University. View SMU's | |  | TPR presented @ various eventsTPR lately presented on: - Transport planning: is it the same after the pandemic? View presentations | |  | Upcoming external events where you can meet TPR | | |