New paper contributions by TPR |
Webinar: Ever Given, can she be forgiven?On Tuesday 11 May, at 8 pm, TPR, YoungShip Belgium and the Antwerp Maritime Academy are jointly organising a webinar on the Ever Given, the ship that recently blocked the Suez Canal. Registration is required! Register here! | |  | Smart Port 2025 project surveyTPR participates to the Smart Port 2025 project, which is related to state-of-the-art AI technologies, the sustainability impact of these technologies and tools that evaluate their economic impact. Do you have ideas on how ports can benefit from AI-solutions? Then go to our survey, share your thoughts with us and we will involve you in more concrete actions related to this project. Complete the short survey | |  | Join the 4th BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Happy HourWithin the BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Transport, Logistics and Ports, current research is focusing on the evolution of supply chain thinking towards a collaborative ecosystem, more specifically the new normal of
co.innovation. An important characteristic of a natural ecosystem is resilience. The fourth Happy Hour, on 25 May at 5pm, will focus on technology risks. View announcement | |  | Online infosessie master maritiem en logistiekInfodagen van de UAntwerpen gemist? Op dinsdag 11 mei organiseren we om 18u nog een extra online infosessie over de master maritiem en logistiek management. Meld je hier aan voor de sessie | |  | Tel mee met Straatvinken!Vanaf nu kun je je inschrijven voor de vierde editie van Straatvinken, het burgeronderzoek rond mobiliteit van de Universiteit Antwerpen, HIVA - KU Leuven en de Ringland Academie. Dan kun je op donderdag 20 mei van 17 tot 18 uur (opnieuw) mee tellen. Iedereen in heel Vlaanderen kan meedoen. Registreer je hier! | |  | C-MAT ranked high in Top 50 Best Maritime MastersThe faculty of C-MAT at Antwerp Management School is very pleased to announce that the 'Master of Maritime and Air Transport Management' has been ranked 17th (last year 22nd) in the Top 50 of Best Masters in Maritime Management in the World. For those interested: Application for academic year 2021-2022 is still open! View announcement | |  | Dieter Havermans wins thesis prizeDieter Havermans, alumnus of TPR's Maritiem en Logistiek Management Master, won the best thesis prize of the Dennie Lockefeer Chair, with a master thesis on the potential of electric batteries in inland navigation. View the announcement | |  | Roel Gevaers appointed TRB Committee memberRoel Gevaers was appointed committee member of the TRB Urban Freight Transportation Committee for 3 years. View the Committee's page | |  | Successful course International Port StrategiesC-MAT - Antwerp Management School co-hosted the very successful course International Port Strategies together with APEC-Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center and International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH). The course was concluded with an interactive workshop involving all participants. View picture | |  | Join MIT's Discrete Choice Analysis courseMIT's Moshe Ben-Akiva invites you to a one-week course taught remotely from June 7-11, 2021 on 'Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Individual Behavior
and Market Demand'. One full-tuition scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding doctoral student with an application deadline of April 30, 2021. Partial scholarships (50%) are also available for junior faculty, postdocs, and doctoral students. View information and apply | |  | TPR presented @ various eventsTPR lately presented on: - Impact megatrends on maritime ecosystem - Infrastructure development: theory, practice and policy - Global trends in container liner shipping - Digital Innovation in the Port Sector: Barriers and Facilitators - Making transport sustainable during pandemic - Green supply chains View presentations | |  | Upcoming external events where you can meet TPR | |