| March 2021 © TPR University of Antwerp | |
New paper contributions by TPR
Join the free panel @ Antwerp Rail School22-26 March 2021, the Antwerp Rail School is hosted by TransportNET, Ricardo Rail and SNCB. The panel that concludes the School, on 26 afternoon, can be followed free of charge. Information and registration | |  | Join the third BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Happy HourWithin the BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Transport, Logistics and Ports, current research is focusing on the evolution of supply chain thinking towards a collaborative ecosystem, more specifically the new normal of
co.innovation. An important characteristic of a natural ecosystem is resilience. The third Happy Hour, on 11 March at 5pm, will focus on the environmental aspect of risk and resilience. View announcement | |  | Infodag master maritiem en logistiek managementWil je meer weten over de master maritiem en logistiek management? Volg dan onze online infodag op zaterdag 6 maart en stel al je vragen aan de opleidingsverantwoordelijke! Meer info en inschrijven | |  | NOVIMAR sector information sessionsThe NOVIMAR project, to which TPR contributes, invites sector stakeholders for its upcoming stakeholder meet-ups, featuring the economic potential of the new Vessel Train waterborne transport concept. View invitation and register | |  | Join our free online webinar on COVIDTPR provides three keynotes at the AMS webinar 'The disruptor called Covid: Disruption in international eCommerce flows, last mile distribution and shopping street real estate'. Registration is mandatory. Join the webinar | |  | Join the online panel debate on future Smart PortsTPR co-organizes a webinar and panel debate on the topic of future Smart Port characteristics. You can register for free and post your questions to be addressed to the panelists at the following link. View announcement | |  | Sociaal-economische impact haven AntwerpenDe haven van Antwerpen blijft met 63.000 directe jobs een sterke werkgever. Al deze havenwerknemers samen zorgen elk jaar voor 47 miljoen euro belastinginkomsten voor gemeenten verspreid over het gehele Belgische grondgebied. Dit blijkt uit een recent onderzoek van TPR in opdracht van de provincie Antwerpen en Port of Antwerp. Bekijk het volledige rapport | |  | TPR calculation tool: Congestion Cost ModelRoad congestion is an issue that has received growing attention in all big economic activity centers around the world. TPR's Congestion Cost
model creates a globally accepted approach for calculating the impact of congestion on costs, both operational and societal. Discover TPR Congestion Cost Model here | |  | Profcast 'De winkel van de toekomst'In de reeks 'Profcast' van de Faculteit FBE kwam in februari Ann Verhetsel aan bod. Ann is gespecialiseerd in vastgoed voor bedrijven, zoals bijvoorbeeld kantoorruimte. Beluister hier de profcast | |  | ITN positions on Transit-Oriented DevelopmentThe Innovative Training Network (ITN) Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)-IS-rural-urban regions (RURs) sets up an interdisciplinary, international and intersectoral network to make significant research contributions to the scientific and societal challenge of countering sprawl in Europe. The TOD-IS-RUR consortium offers 10 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions, with starting dates 01/09/2021 and 01/10/2021. View the job postings | |  | SPEED blog port pilotageSmart Port Ecosystems benefit from a good collaboration between multiple parties: as an example, we present you the pilotage services in the Port of London, in a blog by Valentin Carlan. Read the blog | |  | Read the second issue of NOVIMOVE NEWSThe second issue of NOVIMOVE NEWS is ready, featuring Edwin van Hassel, explaining the 30% project target and its baseline reference. The European research programme NOVIMOVE started on June 1st 2020. The aim is to im-prove inland shipping performance and
opportunities through innovation to ensure increased freight transportation by water Read the 2nd NOVIMOVE NEWS | |  |
TPR presented @ various eventsTPR lately presented on: - Impact of shipbuilding on different
Shipping markets - Cargo Talks - COVID19 supply chain distribution, a view behind the scenes - The economics of implementing automation in loading and unloading operations
View presentations | |  | Upcoming external events where you can meet TPR | |