New paper contributions by TPR |
Join the third BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Happy HourWithin the BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Transport, Logistics and Ports, current research is focusing on the evolution of supply chain thinking towards a collaborative ecosystem,
more specifically the new normal of co.innovation. An important characteristic of a natural ecosystem is resilience. The third Happy Hour, on 11 March at 5pm, will focus on the environmental aspect of risk and resilience. View announcement | |  | View again the Open lecture Chair Dennie LockefeerOn 20 January 2021, the Chair Dennie Lockefeer hosted an online public lecture on the topic 'Adequate data, a key step that will benefit inland shipping'. Academic and business contributions were combined with a panel discussion. View the lecture online | |  | Join the 7th edition of Antwerp Rail School22-26 March 2021, the Antwerp Rail School is hosted by TransportNET, Ricardo Rail and SNCB. Professionals, academics and PhD students willing to gain advanced insight in the rail business are welcome! Information and registration | |  | Join the online panel debate on future Smart PortsTPR co-organizes a webinar and panel debate on the topic of future Smart Port characteristics. You can register for free and post your questions to be addressed to the panelists at the following link. View announcement | |  | Infodag master maritiem en logistiek managementWil je meer weten over de master maritiem en logistiek management? Volg dan onze online infodag op zaterdag 6 maart en stel al je vragen aan de opleidingsverantwoordelijke! Meer info en inschrijven | |  | Valentin Carlan co-wrote the Smart Port ManifestoValentin Carlan contributed to the research and writing the Smart Port Manifesto. The Smart Port Manifesto presents the guiding principles on how ports can reach a paradigm shift to change from a commoditized business silo towards a smart innovation ecosystem logic. View the Manifesto | |  | Check again the 2nd BNP Paribas Fortis Happy HourOn 26 January, the BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Transport, Logistics and Ports hosted its second online Port Co.Innovation Happy Hour,
under the central topic of ‘Disruption in supply chains’. View presentation and pictures | |  |
TPR alumnus wins BITO-IBOT PrizeJan Ide, alumnus of our master maritime and logistics management, received the BITO master
thesis award. Jan wrote his thesis on the topic "Belgium as a location for e-commerce logistics", under supervision of Chris Peeters. View the announcement | |  | Join the SPEED Smart Port portalThe main reasons
for ports not digitalizing seem to be a lack of both a legal framework and multi-stakeholder collaboration. The SPEED - European Smart Ports Ecosystem Development project, to which TPR contributes, is contributing to increase multi-stakeholder collaboration for the benefit of all smart port stakeholders. Collaboration is key! Willing to collaborate and improve your business? Check the SPEED platform | |  | Permanente vorming Douane & AccijnzenTPR draagt bij aan de permanente vorming Douane en Accijnzen, een modulair samengestelde, academisch georiënteerde specialisatieopleiding die in samenspraak met de FOD Financiën en met medewerking van de privésector wordt georganiseerd. In dit programma worden de basisbegrippen en leerstukken binnen het brede domein van douane en accijnzen belicht door zowel docenten uit de praktijk alsook uit de academische wereld. Zie programma | |  | Thierry Vanelslander joined two PhD jury'sThierry Vanelslander was a member of the PhD jury's of - Afonso Sampaio, who successfully defended at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 27
January on the topic of 'Innovative business-to-consumer last-mile solutions: models and algorithms' - Jos Vroomans, who succesfully defended at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam on 28 January on the topic of 'Living Apart Together: Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg: relationships between port and city under pressure' View abstract | |  | TPR presented @ various eventsTPR lately presented on: - The Big Challenge – Delivering Vaccines to all Corners of the World - The economics of implementing automation in loading and unloading operations - The feasibility of enhancing the supervision of maritime container supply chain from economic and technological perspectives View presentations | |  | Upcoming external events where you can meet TPR | | | | online - Abstracts due 8 February 2021 | | |
Wessex - Abstracts due 16 February 2021 |