C-MAT, the Centre for Maritime and Air Transport Management of the University of Antwerp and Antwerp Management School will continue its maritime and air master classes
to both students and professionals also in February 2021.
All classes are offered in two-week blocks, with a mixture of academic and business contributions. | Master classes February 2021 All 2021 master classes can also be followed as online modules under hybrid teaching, at a reduced tariff. |
Other classes
Spring 2021 Port and maritime sector
Air transport sector
C-MAT Master classes are
recognised in the frame of the Flemish “KMO-portefeuille”. More information about the subsidy conditions and government support is available on the website of KMO-portefeuille. |
COVID safety measures Seeing the implications of the
COVID-19 outbreak, we ensure that our students education and experiences are fully safe and secured. |
Antwerp Management School As from academic year 2020-2021, our master integrates in the specialized master after master portfolio of Antwerp Management School. The integration provides the perfect combination of academic research and business practice, and is enabled by our shared vision on sustainability, personal development and societal consciousness. In this way we can even more suitably deliver future
leaders and thinkers in supply chain, transportation and logistics. | |