New paper contributions by TPR |
TPR wishes all good health!In these very unusual COVID-19 times, TPR wishes all lots of strenght and a good health. We try to ease your situation by providing some of TPR's most relevant reads on crisis and uncertainty impacts on transport and logistics, and planning that can be made to mitigate impacts. TPR's crisis reads here | | | C-MAT Maritime and Air Courses go digital!C-MAT's two remaining Specialisation Courses for this academic year, Air Transport Pricing + Maritime Supply Chains, go both fully online! Apply now! | | | C-MAT Master try-out dayIf you consider applying for C-MAT's one-year Master of Maritime and Air Transport Management, participate to AMS' Try-out Day on Wednesday 22 April with an online workshop and a virtual master’s fair. Register here for the Try-out Day | | | e-Infodag Master Maritiem en Logistiek ManagementOok de tweede infodag voor de master maritiem en logistiek management op zaterdag 25 april gaat volledig online. Je kan dan onder andere filmpjes over de opleidingen bekijken, deelnemen aan chatsessies en cursusmateriaal online inkijken. Zie Master-webpagina | | | Innovation applied: 8th BNPPF Port Café online!On 16 June, the BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Transport, Logistics and Ports hosts its 8th Port Co.Innovation Café, on the topic of
'Integration of the maritime chain: it's all about capacity!'. If you want to share a best practice, please mail . View the chair page | | | Chair Dennie Lockefeer: Demurrage/detention eventOn
15 October, the Chair Dennie Lockefeer will host a workshop on demurrage & detention. Anyone interested in providing cases or insights in the research, can contact . View the chair page | | | Antwerp Inland Navigation School goes 100% online!Anyone interested can join the fully online second TransportNET Antwerp Inland Navigation School (AINS), from 25 to 29 May 2020, fully online. Presentations will be given by practitioners as well as academics, with ensuing discussions by all participants. Due to the modified delivery, the registration fee is reduced. View program and register here | | | Joris Beckers wins PhD Dissertation AwardJoris Beckers won the Outstanding Dissertation Award of the Transportation Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers, with his PhD dissertation on 'The Logistics sector in a consumer driven society, essays on location and network structure'. View AAG's website | | | eHubs project meeting ManchesterEarly March, the eHubs project held its next project meeting in Manchester. The project enables six partner cities from five different countries to realise and promote eHUBS and pave the way for others to do the same. View project website | | | TPR presented @ various eventsTPR lately presented on: - Shaping the Future of the City: What strategy to mitigate mobility and logistics problems? View presentations | | | Upcoming external events where you can meet TPR | | |