Being part of Peacoq Elite Team
In my last newsletter i have mentioned that we are enhancing Peacoq to make it fully compatible with private owners needs. Therefore I have decided to suround me with a small group of prospect customers who would like to take part in this enhancement discussion. I'm expecting them to share their opinion and views. In exchange i will offer them their boat at a discounted price. Soon i will show them my program. First in first served for the begining of serial production which will occur from France next fall. If you would like to take part of this adventure kindly contact me or call me (my contact details at the end of this newsletter).
In a bout a year time my idea is to create a Peacoq Elite class with dedicated events.
Here are the 4 goals that we are following :
- Build a Peacoq class with active and involved members
- Take part of the foiling revolution in our own manner with our own values
- Simplify foil pratice and sailing practice in general by reducing all the asides constraints that goes with sailing
- Increase Sea passion by giving a new angle to sail practice