Peacoq 14 - January 20 - end of Shows season

Peacoq 14 - back to sea trials

Last video of the Peacoq 14 !
Serial production - small is beautiful

We undertake to produce only 10 boats for 2020. Our goal is to make sure our first ten clients will be happy and even more. We know it takes time to produce good boats. Service should be operating fast and well. Therefore we will grow step by step while starting humbly. 
End of the show season and beginning of sea/lake trials

Let's get back to sea. From November we have presented Peacoq 14 during five events. In 3 months our nice foiling fourteen feeter dinghy is no more the "unknown soldier" but the new player of the foiling market. Not less than 200 peoples and 30 sailing schools have expressed their deep interest with the Peacoq14. People wants to try the boat in real conditions.

Therefore we are about to make a long and wonderful round trip : in France first from March until May. Then Europe. Beginning of May we will be in Leman lake (8-10th of May). Afterwards we will be travelling to Guarda Lake, Croatia, Constance Lake,  Holland and Denmark.

If you are interested for trials with real ambition for acquiring the easiest foiler in the market please send me an email or give me a ring +33 7 61 83 32 52.
What makes the Peacoq 14 special?
Stability is likely the most important feature of the boat. If you are flying flat you feel safe. If you are feeling safe you can enjoy. 
But it's not all. Aluminum foils are fully retractable. Hence making it possible to switch from displacement mode to foiling mode in less than 30 secondes. 
Even though she is not a slow dinghy. We have reached 23 knots with her when pushing Peacoq14 at her limits in nasty conditions. I'm pretty sure we should do better.

How is she working ? 3 sailing mode

Full foiler mode - foiling baptem
When starting from the beach foils are up leaving Peacoq 14 in full displacement without useless drag. Once away from rocks, swimmers,... sand benchs
 stop her ahead to the wind. Put the foils down. Deploy zero code. Bear off until reaching. Quickly the boat will take off from the bow and then stern. Grind sails in as if sailing upwind because apparent wind will be the strongest. Then go straight ahead and enjoy !


One foil - performance sailing mode
Eventually if you are excited for breaking speed record put the Peacoq ahead to the wind to put her in a performance mode. Lift windward foil up. Come back to reaching. Leeward foil will work alone and increase heeling moment strongly. Therefore heeling moment will be huge. It's like having 2 more people hiking out without bearing their weights. Boat speed is basically building up without easing sails.

Displacement mode -
Wind has dropped suddenly and you are at the middle of the lake. Lift up both foils lateral foils and come back in displacement mode like any other classic dinghy (with stronger stability). 


Each and every sailing mode will fulfil each and every one thank to her complete and rich program.
Contact us
Last newsletters in french :
Décembre : "Peacoq 14 - De Paris à Düsseldorf"
Novembre : "Novembre sur les chapeaux de roues"
Octobre : "Lancement commercial du Peacoq 14 !
Septembre : "Les premiers test du Peacoq 14 en vidéo"
Aout : "Venez essayer le PEACOQ 14 en septembre!"
Juillet : "Le Peacoq 14 en route vers les essais!"
Juin : "Le PEACOQ 14 vous dévoile ses particularités!"
Mai : "Le PEACOQ 14 suscite de l'intérêt!"
Avril : "Le PEACOQ 14 s'envole !"
Mars : "PEACOQ 14 - Finalisation du Prototype"
Février : " PEACOQ 14 - Le nouveau 4.20 sur foils"